The adorable feline phenomenon of ‘biscuit-making’ has taken social media by storm over the past few years, with some owners even going so far as dressing up their kitty in …
Dogs and humans are very different, but they do have this in common: adolescence — or their teenage phase — is often a rocky period. Like human teens, adolescent dogs …
VET APPROVED WRITTEN BY Dr. Karyn Kanowski Veterinarian, BVSc MRCVS Have you met Cyril? If you haven’t, you are missing out! He’s the squishiest, most chilled-out, laid-back cat I’ve ever …
WinnerSilliestCutestMost DignifiedMost ExpressiveBest Action ShotSleepiestEnter Your Cat This Week’s Winner Name: Georgie Wigglesworth Breed: Silver Tabby Fun Fact: She was the smallest but only survivor of her litter. Owner had …
Ketoconazole is a drug used to treat fungal infections in dogs. Veterinarians can also use it to treat Cushing’s disease. The drug works by blocking cortisol formation in the adrenal …
If you’re a dog parent, chances are you’ve caught your furry friend dragging their butt across the floor at some point. This peculiar behavior — called scooting — is fairly …