WinnerSilliestCutestMost DignifiedMost ExpressiveBest Action ShotSleepiestEnter Your Cat This Week’s Winner Name: Wilson Breed: Mix/Norwegian Forest cat Fun Fact: Wilson is 2 years old and part Norwegian forest cat, he is …
New Bylaw Proposes Mandatory “Chipping & Snipping” for Cats in New Zealand Which Could Protect Native Birds
by adminby adminThe Far North District of New Zealand (situated in, you guessed it, the far north of the country) is set to debate a significant change in animal regulations, with a …
Brushing your cat’s coat keeps it healthy, reduces shedding, redistributes the natural oil, and sometimes allows you to practice first-aid skills. Veterinarians and behavioral specialists recommend introducing grooming to cats …
WinnerSilliestCutestMost DignifiedMost ExpressiveBest Action ShotSleepiestEnter Your Cat This Week’s Winner Name: Kitchie Breed: Persian Fun Fact: Kitchie just turned 5 months old on Oct 19. She surprises us everyday with …
Over 120,000 lbs of Donated Pet Food Delivered to Hurricane-Affected Communities Thanks to Pets Global & Locals
by adminby adminSaving Lives and Providing HopeA Giant Effort, From Coast to Coast and Across State LinesAbout Pets Global Inc. Pets Global, along with local college students, retailers, rescue organizations, and volunteers, …