The Kai Ken dog breed is one of the six Japanese breeds, known as Nihon-Ken. These six breeds are national treasures in Japan. The Kai Ken is a medium-sized breed …
VET APPROVED WRITTEN BY Dr. Karyn Kanowski Veterinarian, BVSc MRCVS After thirteen years of working 10-hour days in clinical practice, it has been an absolute treat to indulge my creative …
WinnerSilliestCutestMost DignifiedMost ExpressiveBest Action ShotSleepiestEnter Your Cat This Week’s Winner Name: Stiles Breed: Siamese Fun Fact: Stiles is just shy of 3 years old and is named after a character …
VET APPROVED REVIEWED & FACT-CHECKED BY Dr. Lorna Whittemore BVMS, MRCVS (Veterinarian) How Many Calories Do Cats Need?A Cat’s MetabolismFoods for Weight Maintenance All cats have individual dietary needs based …
Meet the UK National Cat of the Year 2024: MarleyMeet the Other FinalistsAbout Cats Protection The National Cat Awards, presented annually by Cats Protection, is a joyous celebration of the …