Most Dignified
Most Expressive
Best Action Shot
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Most Dignified
Most Expressive
Best Action Shot
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This Week’s Winner
Name: | Mango |
Breed: | N/A |
Fun Fact: | Mango lives in a single parent household. She’s super scared of visitors but when home alone, highly mischievous and destructive. |
Name: | Zeke |
Breed: | Domestic shorthair |
Fun Fact: | Zeke picks out his own dinner. He’s a 2 year old who’s always dressed in his tuxedo. He always acts more like a dog than a cat. |
Name: | Dora Lee |
Breed: | Seal Mink Bicolor Ragdoll |
Facts: | Dora Lee just turned 5 months old, and weighs about 8 pounds. She is one of three Ragdoll kittens I adopted this summer, and is the floppiest Ragdoll I’ve ever known! Because she carries the mink gene, her coat is very silky and soft, and her eyes are blue-green. Unlike most Ragdolls, who are born pure white, Mink Ragdolls show their adult coloration early on. |
Most Dignified
Name: | (Legal name) Clover the Crazed (shortens to clover when not in trouble) |
Breed: | American medium hair? |
Facts: | She was raised by two big dogs and tho is she is one as well. She rules the house with an iron paw but will still play fetch like every good puppy-cat |
Best Action Shot
Name: | Boris |
Breed: | Short haired European |
Fun Fact: | Boris is a CH cat |
Name: | Princess |
Breed: | Princess |
Fun Fact: | Princess is a rescued baby who has been with us for two months. She is 6 months old. Her tail is only 4 inches long, but when I researched everything, she is apparently a “Highlander” cat. She is extremely busy and constantly on the run. When she finally stops, she crashes! She fell asleep on my lap in this photo. |
Most Expressive
Name: | Samie |
Breed: | Turkish Angora mix |
Fun Fact: | “My Samie is very talkative and when I wake up in the morning his purrs are so loud and constant meowing and jumping up for my hand to rub!
He calls for me and/or sits and stares at me until I follow him to his eating area. He will not eat without be touching him and sitting near him. Very needy and loving and the joy of my life! The picture reflects him sitting up on the couch with me as if he is a human” |
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This article is a part of our Weekly Photo Contest
- View our previous week’s winners here: February 20, 2025
- Click here to view our full list of past winners
This post appeared first on catster.co