Welcome to our “Ask Dr. Paola” series, where every Monday we bring expert advice straight from Dr. Paola Cuevas (MVZ) to help our readers better understand their cat’s health and well-being.
Whether you’re a new pet parent or a seasoned cat lover, Dr. Paola is here to provide answers to your most pressing questions. From nutrition tips and preventive care to troubleshooting common behavioral issues, Dr. Paola is ready to offer insights that will keep your kitty happy, healthy, and feline fine. Stay tuned for expert guidance on a range of topics that matter most to you and your cat, so you can make informed decisions and provide the best possible care for your furry companion.
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Help! My Cat Has a Crusty Growth on His Chin!
“Dear Dr Paola,
Mr Crowley is a mini-panther and he has he small bumps on his trunk where there shouldn’t be, but what really concerns me is a crusty, sticky growth on the tip of his chin, about the size of a pea which can not be seen. I only felt it and it really concerns me. Thanks,“ – Steve
Hi Steve,
I completely understand your concern. Any unexpected changes in Mr. Crowley’s skin, especially a crusty or sticky growth, deserve attention. The chin is a common area for feline acne, which can lead to clogged follicles, small bumps, and even secondary infections. However, since you describe the growth as firm, sticky, and crusty, there are other possibilities to rule out, including an infected follicle, a cyst, or even something more complex like eosinophilic granulomas AKA “rodent ulcer” or a type of skin tumor.
The small bumps on his trunk could be related or a separate issue, such as allergic dermatitis, insect bites, or another type of skin reaction. Since skin conditions can have a wide range of causes, and most require specific treatments, the best approach would be to have him seen by a veterinarian. They may perform a skin scrape, cytology, or even a biopsy if needed. In the meantime, avoid touching the area, and if he uses plastic bowls, I recommend switching to stainless steel, as plastic can harbor bacteria and often contributes to skin irritation.
I truly hope it’s something simple and treatable for Mr. Crowley, but given the crusty texture and persistence of the growth, an in-person exam would be the best way to ensure he gets the care he needs.
Best wishes, Dr. Paola

If you need to speak with a vet but can’t get to one, head over to PangoVet. It’s an online service where you can talk to a vet online and get the personalized advice you need for your pet — all at an affordable price!
Help! My Cat is Suddenly Sneezing!
“Hi Dr Paola!
I have noticed my cat Shushu, who is 11, started to sneeze a few times a day a few days ago. Additionally she had a cough episode this morning (around 10 seconds) which did not repeat. No sputum/discharge noticed. She is sleeping most of the days, still has a big appetite and zoomies. What could it be? Should I visit her vet for this? I’m worried it could be cigarette smoke due to somebody smoking in the house, or maybe a cold, a virus, or even dust? Thank you so much!! “ – Cana
Hi Cana!
It’s great that you’re paying such close attention to Shushu’s health, especially as she gets older. Occasional sneezing in cats can be triggered by a variety of factors, including environmental irritants like dust, cigarette smoke, or even household cleaning or other scented products. Since someone in the house smokes, this could be a potential irritant affecting her respiratory system, as cats are quite sensitive to airborne pollutants.
That said, the fact that she also had a brief coughing episode raises the possibility of an underlying respiratory issue. Viral or bacterial infections, allergies, or even early signs of asthma could be at play. While her appetite, energy, and behavior seem normal, which is reassuring, her age makes it important to monitor her closely. If the sneezing and coughing continue, become more frequent, or if she develops nasal discharge, eye irritation, or any changes in breathing, a veterinary visit would be wise to rule out infections or inflammatory conditions.
For now, reducing potential triggers like smoke exposure and dust could help. Try keeping her in a well-ventilated, smoke-free area, and consider using an air purifier and a humidifier if the air is dry. If you notice any worsening signs or an increase in frequency, a veterinary check-up would be best to ensure her respiratory health is fully assessed.
I hope this helps!
Dr. Paola
Help! My Cat Is Losing Hair!
“My boyfriend’s cat Beckham is losing fur in patches, especially where he scratches a lot. His skin is mostly pink with some faint black spots. I also saw a black bug in his fur and the skin near his belly pouch looks infected. Since he’s not my cat, I can only take him to the vet if it’s serious. Also, he scratched me deeply and it took six months to heal – could he have given me an infection? – April
Hi April,
Beckham’s fur loss, itching, and skin irritation sound concerning, especially with the presence of a black bug in his fur. This strongly suggests a parasite infestation; most likely fleas. Cats with flea allergies can have intense itching, leading to overgrooming, hair loss, and even secondary skin infections. The black bug you saw could be an adult flea, and the black spots on his skin might be hyperpigmentation from chronic irritation. If the skin near his belly pouch looks infected, red, swollen, or oozing it’s likely a secondary infection from bacteria taking advantage of the irritated skin, this requires veterinary attention.
Since you mentioned Beckham scratched you deeply and it took months to heal, there’s a possibility you contracted an infection, especially if the wound was inflamed, slow to close, or worsened over time. Cats can carry Bartonella (also known as cat scratch disease), along with other bacteria like Pasteurella that can cause slow-healing wounds. If you still have any lingering effects or concerns, get checked by an MD.
As for Beckham’s worsening infection, he does need veterinary care. A vet needs to rule out complications like fungal or bacterial infections. Taking care of everyone’s health is extremely important. Ensuring Beckham gets a proper medical evaluation will not only support his well-being but also help protect the health of those around him. I hope he receives the care he needs soon!
Wishing Beckham some relief and hoping your scratch is fully healed by now!
Dr. Paola
- Read last weeks questions here – March 10, 2025
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